Many people can be famous because of it, but there are also many ordinary people touch it. It doesn’t smelly. It is not functional if you stare at it, but when you stare at it in the right hand, they can be really cool. Its beauty is actually not in its shape, but in its sound. Peculiarly, many girls are considered good if they look like it in some part of their body. It is not flat in some parts. Many people can create great inventions from it. Its beauty is depended on who handles it. Sometimes it loves electricity, sometimes it doesn’t need it. It can be colorful. It can be used when you full fill its part with six almost same things. It has to have a place for air circulation. Their length is never longer than two meters.
3 komentar:
what is that??? Hand phone? Computer? It's difficult...
gray, dirty, weight, but useful is my bag...hahahahahahahahahaha....
ooooo...your guitar toh...yes...yes..
I never wash my bag since I bought it when in seminary... I m forget...he2...
Hai Sab.....
I think your mysterious object is your guitar,,is that right???
you know., for the first I very confuse what it is. But finally I know that is tour guitar.
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