Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008

Misterious Object??

Many people can be famous because of it, but there are also many ordinary people touch it. It doesn’t smelly. It is not functional if you stare at it, but when you stare at it in the right hand, they can be really cool. Its beauty is actually not in its shape, but in its sound. Peculiarly, many girls are considered good if they look like it in some part of their body. It is not flat in some parts. Many people can create great inventions from it. Its beauty is depended on who handles it. Sometimes it loves electricity, sometimes it doesn’t need it. It can be colorful. It can be used when you full fill its part with six almost same things. It has to have a place for air circulation. Their length is never longer than two meters.

Kamis, 16 Oktober 2008


This place see me cry, see me laugh, see my deepest pain, and my highest dream, but it never say anything. It only gives me protection from the hot day and from the heavy rain. It only gives me a privacy when I sometimes want to hide from the world. Hide to sleep, hide to wake up strongly after I fall, hide to drown my self in many books and copy texts to face tomorrow 's examinations.

It's not wide. Only 2x3 meters square. This room faces to north. When you look into the room, you will notice some messes there. Some, OK? I always try to make it tidier, but it seems to me that my room converse me. Hehe... So it's not really tidy.

I skirts some photo in the west wall of my room in random. I put them in the up of a small table. I put a mirror, a small box to put my accessory, and make-up stuff in that small table. There are also a laptop, a cupboard, and a box (actually the box is used to cover electronic stuff) which change its function into a clothes basket in the south. In the cupboard, beside I put all of my clothes, I also put every unimportant thing such as second boxes, and other second stuff there. Then, again, my cupboard is not that tidy.

The color of the door of my room is light blue. This color is matching with the color of the wall inside. But actually the west and south wall is covered by white porcelain. There is a window in the north wall. The window is covered by also blue curtain. So, all are blue? Blue is not my favorite color. The owner of my boarding room who arrange it. Beside, my favorite color is black and it is pretty impossible to paint them all in black.

In the west you'll find a door to a bathroom. My bathroom is also really narrow, so I have to be able to put bath stuff correctly. I have to buy new toothbrush twice because both fell to the toilet. Iuhhh.... So sorry to say that. When my friends come to my boarding room, they often ask," So you wash your clothes there?" Yes, I answer directly. "With a little hardworking."

Well, so where should I sleep? Because I don't say something related to bed. Don't worry, I don't sleep on the cupboard. I have a wind mattress which is really flexible. I can lay it down and sit it up every time I want.

First time I came to this room, I'd felt comfort with it. I saw hope and independence. It has been the first time I live far from my family since August, 8th 2008. The situation around is really quite so I can study well every time I want. My friends often come there and do many activities. Sometimes we sing and play guitar, they also often do their homework there, and mess my room up. They always say," How mess is your room." But they also always be the part of the mess. My room always gives me comfort. When I come home tiredly, I can always sleep. I do many things in my room, like writing, singing, playing music, studying, even crying as long as I want. I think I will be homely there for a pretty long time.

Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2008


"Ibu..," that's what I call her. When I was young the only thing I knew were she cooked for me, she was angry every time I went home dirty, she taught me how to read words, and she made me feel comfort when she was around me. That's why I always cried every time she left me while she went to somewhere out of the town.

Actually I don't know exactly her appearance now because I haven't met her for almost three months. But, the exact thing is she doesn't look like me at all. So, every time I walk beside her people won't think that I am her daughter. They always and always ask,"Is she your daughter??" Hiks... But don't worry. I look like my father. So you don't need to doubt about where I belong. She is taller than me and she had white skin. Aha!! Start get the difference between us?? She has curly, pretty long, black hair. She is not fat and she is not thin (anymore). She was really thin when she was young. I have her teen photo. It was totally different with my shape. I know that... I've told you that my physhical appearance just like my father.

Even though we are different from what your eyes can see, but most of our characteristics are same. We are very sensitive, have low confidence but high panic, think and think and think again before make even unimportant decision, and we also really like to read book and write. And also she likes rock music just like me. When she pregnant me, beside read books, she heard God Bless, Ikang Fauzi, The Beatles, and other rock band rather than heard Mozard or something. When I still lived home with her she also heard my favorite punk rock bands like Green Day, Blink 182, etc. Don't worry... My mom doesn't wear rocker stuff like what you could imagine. She wears what mother wears. Hehe...

Many things I could learn from her since I was baby, maybe even since I was pregnant. She sacrifices for family, for me and my brother. She is a teacher of Elementary School and she is a great mother also. She is very emphatic but also full of love. She wakes up early and goes to sleep lately. I am very sad every time I saw her tired. Sometimes I helped her to cook, correct her students' tests, but her favorite help from me is my massage. She said I am a good massager. But I don't think I will open massage business. Hehe... I prefer to be a teacher or writer or rocker or lecturer, but not massager. She would make me a glass of milk or juice if she knew I would have tests next day. I often got stress when test days come, but her care always made me feel better. I always felt I was home when I was home. She is a panic person. She couldn't do anything except standing in front of the door and calling me when I went home late.

Now, her daugther isn't home. She is far from her and trying to fight with this cruel world. I know she actually worries about me, but she fights with her feeling to let me be independent, adult, and better person.

Rabu, 08 Oktober 2008

SeLaMAt DaTanG LaGI MalaM.....

Tenggelamkan aku dalam lautan tawar

Supaya larut semua pedihku

Cahaya yang kucari kelihatan begitu nyata

Tapi bukan lilin yang selama ini kucari untuk menjagaku saat malam atau saat matahari meredup entah karena apa

Cahaya yang datang itu tetap saja matahari yang biasanya

Nyata kurasakan tapi begitu jauh tak tersentuh

Yang sewaktu-waktu bisa membakarku saat aku terbang terlalu tinggi

Yang meninggalkanku dalam dingin saat hari tak lagi siang

Kadang tak mengapa

Kadang aku baik-baik saja meski matahari tak setia

Kadang matahariku cukup menghangatkanku dan memberiku daya untuk menghadapi gelap

Gelap yang sebenarnya sudah akrab denganku dan sering membuatku tertawa ironis

Sekarang aku ditinggalkan lagi dalam malam

Hanya kunang-kunang pengharapan yang ada beterbangan datang dan pergi

Aku sakau akan matahari semuku

Tapi tak ada lagi yang bisa kulakukan selain menunggu dalam kekakuan akibat lelahku

Lelah berlari di hutan yang tak tahu dimana ujungngnya

Lelah menduga apa yang ada di balik tikungan selanjutnya

Lelah mengetahui bahwa tak ada lilin yang kucari dibalik tikungan gelap

Bukan matahari yang megah tapi semu yang kumau

Hanya lilin yang bisa membawaku keluar dari labirin yang kosong dan berliku

Lilin yang mungkin akan membakar dirinya sampai tak bersisa

Yang mungkin akan binasa seperti halnya aku akan lenyap

Sudah aku nikmati dulu sajalah apa yang kupunya

Mungkin baru saat di ujung jalan menuju jalan selanjutnya aku bisa paham mengapa terlalu banyak matahari semu

Siapa tahu nanti akhirnya bukanlah lilin yang kubutuhkan

Selamat datang lagi, malam...