Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Of Teaching (Reflection 1&2)

Reflection of My Two First Classes of Micro Teaching

In previous semester, I learned many methods of teaching. Honestly, sometimes I felt bored. It indeed was not interesting to learn methods without practicing them. In my first two classes, I learned how to teach. Teaching is not easy. However, in my opinion, educating is something harder and more important than just teaching. I myself think that my teaching is not great yet. It means that I still need to practice a lot in order to be an educator.

In our second meeting (when we were asked to each our partner), I think that I was not really prepared. I only prepared the material, not the lesson plan. I found difficulties when I had to teach my partner. Fortunately, she could understand my material. My material was for second semester student of college. Probably my partner could understand my material because she is in the same semester as I am. I doubt that the second semester students could understand me if I taught like last week. In conclusion, I learned that it was important to prepare not only the material to teach, but also the lesson plan.

Every time I teach English, (not only to my partner last week but to anyone), I am always skeptical that my student cannot understand my material, especially if I always speak English during my teaching. I have this doubt because I see that many students (especially Elementary School, Junior High School, and Senior High School Students) in Indonesia do not speak English or are not close to English. Contrary to this situation, PBI teaches me to speak English every time I teach. Why is PBI so sure that speaking English during the teaching will make the students successful to understand the material given? Isn’t it important to observe the context of our class before we teach? For example, if the class has difficulty in listening English, don’t we need to speak Indonesian too? When I was in Senior High School, I found it easier to get the material because after speaking English, my teacher always translated their English to Indonesian.

February, 28th, 2008 – 11.03 pm