Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Reflection 5 & 6

Last week was the first class teaching performance. Actually, on Tuesday, we still had half class teaching performance but I choose not to talk about that since the critics for the performers on Tuesday were more or less the same with the previous performers.

Thus, I would talk about the Thursday performance now. The atmosphere of the class teaching performance was slightly different with half class teaching performance. I felt more focused and more involved in the class teaching performance. The two first performers in the first class teaching performance were Gilang and Siwi. From both of them, I learnt many things last week.

From Gilang performance, I learnt how important the clarity of instruction is. In my opinion, Gilang performed a good way to give instruction to students. Even though a teacher masters the material, the students would difficultly absorb the material if the instruction is not clear.

Nevertheless, material mastery is something not less important than instruction mastery. In my opinion, Gilang also had good material mastery. However, his material was a bit difficult for Senior High School students. It caused him explaining small things and took most of his time to explain them. The standard competence was only given less time in the end of his class. This made him get nervous in the end of the class. He spoke faster in the end of the class when he needed to explain the generic structure of the procedure text. He spoke faster when he needed to explain the most important material.

From Siwi’s performance I learnt how important confidence is. Siwi had a good way of teaching. Generally, I think I understood the material because of her explanation. However, she was not confident sometimes. It affected her body movement. ‘She stood on one point only’ was one of the example.

Actually, generally, Siwi had good questioning skills but there were some moments when the students were not involved in the class when Siwi explained something by questioning. However Siwi has an appropriate closing. She could conclude the material well and involve the students on that.

Generally, Siwi and Gilang had good ‘answering skills’. Instead answering directly what the students ask, they prefer to guide the students to the answer they needed.

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