sabina thipani
Jumat, 14 September 2012
Lirik Lagu Pop: Miskin dan Usang
Kotak elektronik yang biasa disebut televisi itu mengeluarkan suara-suara yang menarik perhatian saya. Saya tertarik bukan karena terkesima dengan apa yang saya dengar. Kebalikannya, saya malah merasa terganggu. Rasa ‘tertarik’ itu membuat saya menolehkan kepala saya ke arah televisi. Di layarnya saya lihat lima remaja laki-laki dengan pakaian trendi sedang menari-nari di atas panggung rendah yang dikelilingi puluhan perempuan-perempuan muda. Pakaian yang mereka kenakan dan tarian yang mereka tampilkan mirip dengan boyband-boyband Korea. Para penggemar boyband Korea sejati mungkin bakal sinis kalau menonton televisi bareng saya pagi itu. ‘Tiru-tiru’, ‘Latah’, ‘Nggak kreatif’, dan ‘Nggak mutu’ adalah ungkapan-ungkapan yang sering muncul dari mulut teman-teman saya yang menggandrungi boyband Korea jika melihat atau membicarakan boyband-boyband Indonesia macam boyband yang sedang saya tonton ini.
Kelimanya barangkali bisa dibilang tampan menurut standar industri hiburan Indonesia masa kini. ‘Ketampanan’ itulah yang mungkin menjadi salah satu sebab dari histerisnya para perempuan di pinggir panggung. Anehnya, meski sebenarnya boyband remaja itu sedang tampil di sebuah acara musik, mereka tidak bernyanyi. Kelimanya hanya memegang mikrofon dan menggerak-gerakkan bibir sesuai dengan suara yang keluar dari rekaman yang diputar: lipsing, bahasa populernya.
Ah, bukannya makin tentram, setelah menolehkan kepala ke televisi saya malah merasa semakin terganggu. Saya pun beritikad mencari tahu sebab dari kegelisahan saya itu karena ini bukan kali pertama saya merasa tak nyaman saat menonton acara musik yang diputar hampir tiap pagi itu. Saya semakin gelisah ketika mendapati banyak orang menggemari acara itu. Di pagi hari, hampir setiap TV yang tidak sengaja saya tonton menayangkan acara musik itu. Karena kepopulerannya, acara musik tersebut bahkan mengklaim dirinya sebagai barometer musik Indonesia. Waw, pikir saya, inikah cerminan musik pop Indonesia hari ini?
Saya tidak bisa menjelaskan panjang-lebar alasan ketak-nyamanan saya terhadap penampilan-penampilan musisi pop Indonesia itu dari segi musik, pencahayaan, kostum, atau tarian. Tapi, setelah saya menelesuri dengan sedikit teliti, saya rasa saya bisa menjelaskannya dari perspektif lirik.
Miskin Tema
Agar penjelajahan atas lirik-lirik lagu pop Indonesia itu bisa lebih mudah saya jalani, saya memutuskan untuk membuat penelitian kecil-kecilan. Sampel dari penelitian saya adalah lima lagu band/penyanyi yang menduduki peringkat atas pada tanggal 25 Juli 2012 di acara musik yang menjadi ‘barometer musik Indonesia’ tersebut.
Hal yang pertama-tama saya analisa adalah tema-tema kelima lagu tersebut. Hasil analisanya tidak terlalu mengejutkan saya. Kelima lagu itu bertema sama: cinta. Dua lagu bicara soal putus cinta, dua lagu lainnya bicara soal jatuh cinta, dan satu lagu bicara soal selingkuh.
Betapa miskinnya tema-tema lagu itu jika dibandingkan dengan lagu-lagu yang populer dua dekade sebelum sekarang. Kita ambil satu sampel album saja. Dalam album Iwan Fals, Mata Dewa, yang terhitung populer di tahun 1988/1989, ada empat tema besar yang diangkat: cinta, sosial, perang, dan kehidupan urban. Masakan lima lagu terpopuler di sebuah acara musik populer tahun ini tak ada yang mengangkat tema lain selain cinta?
Barangkali ada yang bertanya, “Lantas kenapa kalau tema lirik lagunya miskin, hanya bicara tentang cinta?” W. S. Rendra pernah menulis, “Apakah artinya kesenian, jika terpisah dari derita lingkungan?” Kini, kita bisa tanyakan pada pelaku industri hiburan pop pertanyaan yang sama, “Apakah artinya seni, termasuk musik, lagu, dan lirik-liriknya, jika tidak menjadi refleksi dari realitas?” Jika tema yang dipilih oleh musisi-musisi pop hanya merepresentasikan satu saja dari sekian aspek realita (hanya menulis soal cinta), maka hanya akan ada satu saja realita yang dapat dilihat oleh masyarakat: percintaan. Padahal, ada hal-hal lain yang yang sebenarnya tak pernah lepas dari kehidupan kita sehari-hari: kemiskinan, perang, kerusakan alam, bencana, kehidupan masyarakat, tradisi-tradisi, dan masih banyak lagi. Tak heran jika masyarakat yang mengkonsumsi musik pop dengan lirik yang demikian sempitnya hanya menganggap bahwa percintaanlah satu-satunya masalah terbesar dalam hidupnya. Persoalan lain di luar percintaan seolah tak penting. Masyarakat, terlebih kaum muda yang belum banyak bersentuhan dengan kegetiran realita, hanya bicara cinta saja dimana-mana: di kampus, di situs jejaring sosial, di kantin, di kamar kosnya, dimana-mana.
Majas-majas Usang
Pernahkah Anda sadari bahwa kata ‘hati’ itu adalah majas? Saat mengungkapkan hal yang berhubungan dengan emosi, kita sering menggunakan kata ‘hati’. ‘Hati’ sebenarnya adalah terjemahan dari Bahasa Inggris, ‘heart’, yang kalau diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia juga bisa berarti berarti ‘jantung’. Filsuf-filsuf klasik menyebutkan bahwa jantung adalah pusat pemikiran dan emosi yang kadang mampu menolak fungsi otak. Oleh karena itulah, kata ‘jantung/heart’ dalam Bahasa Inggris yang dalam Bahasa Indonesia berubah menjadi ‘hati’, digunakan sebagai majas metafora untuk menjelaskan konsep ‘emosi dan pemikiran’.
Jika Anda tidak menyadari bahwa kata ‘hati’ adalah majas, berarti ia sudah menjadi majas yang sudah terlampau sering digunakan sehingga Anda tidak merasakan efek yang spesifik saat mendengarnya. Dengan kata lain, ia sudah menjadi majas yang usang.
Sayangnya, majas-majas usang yang demikian banyak saya temukan dalam lirik lagu pop yang sejak tadi saya jadikan sampel. Berikut adalah sebagian contoh dari majas-majas tersebut: ‘sakit hati’, ‘setelah ku tahu kau pergi, cintaku’, ‘lubuk hati’, ‘berat rasanya’, ‘bualan hati’, ‘putus’, ‘kau buatku terbang melayang’, ‘mataku tak dapat terlepas darimu’, ‘seperti bunga yang kamu tanamkan, memekar di hati’, dan ‘semua seperti mimpi’. Bisakah Anda tebak termasuk ke dalam majas jenis apakah majas-majas di atas? Silahkan membuka kembali catatan Bahasa Indonesia SMA Anda.
Majas, jika terus menerus diperbaharui, akan menjadi bentuk paling aktual dari bahasa. Ia akan dapat membantu kita menjelaskan konsep-konsep lawas dengan sudut pandang baru. Ia dapat membantu kita melihat hal-hal lama dengan perspektif yang berbeda dari yang sudah-sudah. Ingatkah Anda dengan metafora cicak vs buaya yang pernah populer di kalangan masyarakat? Cicak digunakan untuk menjelaskan konsep KPK yang sebenarnya sudah kita kenal sejak dulu. Dengan menyebut KPK sebagai ‘cicak’ dan menyandingkannya dengan ‘buaya’, Susno Duaji merekatkan konsep baru pada konsep KPK yang lama, yaitu: lebih kecil kekuasannya dari pada kepolisian. Susno membuat masyarakat melihat KPK-kepolisian dalam bingkai perspektif yang baru.
Tak hanya itu, majas pun berfungsi untuk menerangkan suatu konsep yang belum bisa dibahasakan. Kata ‘hati’ di atas adalah contohnya. Dengan munculnya majas ‘hati’, kompleksitas konsep ‘emosi dan pemikiran’ yang pada jamannya belum dapat dibahasakan dengan sederhana, akhirnya dapat dicarikan padanan.
Seorang kawan yang adalah seorang linguis pernah mengatakan hal ini dalam suatu kelas, “Bahasa adalah wahana ungkap hati dan pikiran seseorang.” William Shakespeare memberi teladan pada peradaban Bahasa Inggris sehubungan dengan hal ini. Shakespeare menciptakan 3000 kata baru bagi Bahasa Inggris modern lewat karya-karyanya. Shakespeare besar karena ia mampu, tidak hanya menjelaskan konsep lama dengan cara baru, tapi juga menciptakan kata-kata baru untuk konsep yang belum bisa dibahasakan. Ia membantu masyarakatnya membahasakan kompleksitas realitas, karena itulah ia dikenang.
Ternyata majas memiliki peran yang demikian penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Karenanya, reproduksi dan konsumsi majas-majas usang hanya akan membawa masyarakat kita pada stagnasi. Perasaan, pemikiran, dan realitas yang kompleks perlu diberi majas-majas segar. Di luar sana barangkali masih banyak konsep-konsep lawas yang perlu dibahasakan ulang. Masih banyak konsep-konsep baru yang perlu diberi identitas. Maka, mulai kini, mari berburu majas-majas baru. Kritis terhadap majas-majas usang dalam lirik lagu pop adalah satu langkah awal yang bisa kita tempuh.
Tulisan ini pernah dimuat dalam Buletin Pers Mahasiswa Sanata Dharma, Skriptura, Edisi Agustus 2012.
Kamis, 16 Juni 2011
Of Teaching II (Final Reflection)

So, this is gonna be the last reflection posted in this Micro Teaching Class. So glad that I ALMOST pass this class (hopefully I do ). It SEEMS that (or it’s more appropriate to say “IT COULD BE CLEARLY SEEN THAT”) I didn’t post my reflections regularly :D. Instead, I posted some of them at the last minutes of Micro Teaching Class.
In some of my reflections, I didn’t only talk about learning methods done by my friends. I sometimes talk about my perspective towards education. Thus, in this final reflection, I would post not only my – and my friends’ – development in teaching method during this Micro Teaching Course, but also my changed perspective toward education during this Micro Teaching Class.
Before joining Micro Teaching Class, I thought that philosophical understanding of education was more important than education practical understanding. I thought, if someone had good knowledge on philosophy of education, he/she wouldn’t find difficulties in teaching. I didn’t think I had had good knowledge on philosophy of education, but after practicing teaching several times, I found out that teaching was not something which was just there (even if someone had good knowledge on philosophy of education, I guess). We had to do something about it. We have to keep practicing it in order to create synergetic learning. Teaching is a skill. Now, I don’t think having good knowledge on philosophy of education could guarantee the existence of good skill of teaching practice.
However, even though now I don’t think that the understanding of philosophy of education is above education practical understanding, I still think that each can’t stand without another. My problem is, even though I have been given many teaching methods and chances to do practice teaching, I don’t think I got enough knowledge on philosophy of education – in PBI in general, and in Micro Teaching class in particular. I remembered I only got philosophy of education subject in the first semester on Pengantar Pendidikan. In that subject I learned Driyarkara’s thoughts. After the first semester, I learned many subjects related to methods in education, but I didn’t get much Subjects related to philosophy of education. Whereas, I think this philosophical thing is important to remind us about fundamental questions such as: Why do we need to teach? What is teaching? What is educating? Why should we teach? For money, for better humanity, or else? I don’t know, I’m just a bit scared to imagine doing something without really know why I do that, or do I really love to do that, or what I am actually doing. Sometimes, Mr. Pras reminded us, though. And I was inspired when once he said that teaching was his passion. It made me think what is teaching for me, too.
Above, I talked about my perspective towards education. After this, I would like to share the skills – I thought – I have developed in Micro Teaching Class. One of the questions given to the students for this final reflection is: have I had the characteristics of a good teacher. Wow, that was a wide question and I think it needs long answer too. “Good” is something which can be defined with many things. But to answer that question, I would pick “good” definition from one of the handouts given to me in the beginning of Micro Teaching Class. Actually that handout didn’t talk about the definition of “good” teacher. Specifically, that handout discussed the characteristics of an effective teacher.
There were three general characteristics of an effective teacher mentioned in that handout. The first one was: teacher should involve the students in the learning process by let the students work and let the students have clear expectation on the learning. The second one was: teacher doesn’t was time and tries not to make the students disrupted and confused. The teacher should have discipline plan, start the class immediately, and have assignments posted. The third one was: teacher is work-oriented but could create relaxed and pleasant climax.
I wasn’t sure whether I had reached the first characteristic or not. In my first teaching practice this semester, where I taught speaking, the observers said that I didn’t involve my students. I thought I indeed didn’t really involve them to speak whereas that was speaking class. In the second and third teaching practice, I didn’t teach speaking anymore. I taught listening and structure. In that kind of classes, I didn’t have to involve the students to speak. I had to involve them in the learning by asking them doing other activity besides speaking. In those classes, there were no comments stated that I didn’t involve my students in class. But, since I haven’t taught speaking again, I couldn’t make clear comparison related to students’ involvement in class, especially their involvement in speaking.
I think I have developed the second characteristic of an effective teacher. Even though some of junior students I taught said that they couldn’t catch some of my points, I had tried not to waste my time with them. I had discipline lesson plan and I implemented it. I started the class immediately and I gave the students assignments.
Related to the third characteristic, I’m not sure, though. I indeed had work orientation, but creating relaxed and pleasant class was the difficult point to reach, especially when I taught structure. I could now understand why structure class could never been brighter (^.^). If we would like to play song or video, for example, beside the time is usually not enough, the song or video related to the material is rarely found. Rei – my partner in Structure class – and I tried to give the students song, but we canceled our plan because the time would not be enough for that. But, relaxed and pleasant atmosphere doesn’t always have to be created by media because above all, teacher is the one who should find a way to create that kind of class. I thought I still find difficulties to do that.
Since I, however, have developed some characteristics of an effective teacher, if I was then given this question: have I been a better teacher, I would say, yes.
In Micro Teaching Class, we were asked to help our friends to develop by being in class, acting like students, observing their teaching practice, and commenting on that. Related to those four aspects, I thought I have helped my friends, somehow. However, sometimes, I was absent, or, even though I was in class, I sometimes became a really passive student (it was a challenge for my friends, though, to deal with passive students, but sometimes I felt bad about being like that, XD). Sometimes when I had to observe, I was also sleepy. Thus, my observation was not that maximal. Sometimes I do my best to, though.
I think my friends also help me a lot to develop. In some of my reflections, I said that, my friends really behave like students and I had to improve my lesson plan in order to make them ‘understand’ the material. I honestly had to work harder than I thought that time.
Related to their comments, when they commented on what run well in class, I sometimes felt happy. When my friends commented on what didn’t run well in class, I seldom felt mad. I tend to feel disappointed, not with my friends who comment on that, but with my self. Their comments had really helped me to encourage my self to teach better.
The last question given to me for the final reflection was: what grade I deserve. Honestly, I really don’t know how to answer that difficult question.
Miracle Workers

* Here is another amazing poem written by Taylor Mali. Some of the lines written here are almost the same with what is taught in Micro Teaching Class. I would bold some of those lines and would italic my favorite lines.
Sunday nights I lie awake—
as all teachers do—
and wait for sleep to come
like the last student in my class to arrive.
My grading is done, my lesson plans are in order,
and still sleep wanders the hallways like Lower School music.
I’m a teacher. This is what I do.
Like a builder builds, or a sculptor sculpts,
a preacher preaches, and a teacher teaches.
This is what we do.
We are experts in the art of explanation:
I know the difference between questions
to answer and questions to ask.
That's an excellent question.
What do you think?
If two boys are fighting, I break it up.
But if two girls are fighting, I wait until it’s over and then drag what’s left to the nurse’s office.
I’m not your mother, or your father,
or your jailer, or your torturer,
or your biggest fan in the whole wide world
even if sometimes I am all of these things.
I know you can do these things I make you do.
That’s why I make you do them.
I’m a teacher. This is what I do.
Once in a restaurant, when the waiter asked me
if I wanted anything else, and I said,
"No, thank you, just the check, please,"
and he said, "How about a look at the dessert menu?"
I knew I had become a teacher when I said,
"What did I just say?
Please don’t make me repeat myself!"
In the quiet hours of the dawn
I write assignment sheets and print them
without spell checking them. Because I’m a teacher,
and teachers don’t make spelling mistakes.
So yes, as a matter of fact, the new dress cod
will apply to all members of the 5th, 6th, and 78th grades;
and if you need an extension on your 55-paragraph essays
examining The Pubic Wars from an hysterical perspective
you may have only until January 331st.
I trust that won’t be a problem for anyone?
I like to lecture on love and speak on responsibility.
I hold forth on humility, compassion, eloquence, and honesty.
And when my students ask,
“Are we going to be responsible for this?”
I say, If not you, then who?
You think my generation will be responsible?
We’re the ones who got you into this mess,
now you are our only hope.
And when they say, “What we meant
was, ‘Will we be tested on this?’”
I say Every single day of your lives!
Once, I put a pencil on the desk of a student
who was digging in her backpack for a pencil.
But she didn’t see me do it, so when I walked
to the other side of the room and she raised her hand
and asked if she could borrow a pencil,
I intoned, In the name of Socrates and Jesus,
and all the gods of teaching,
I declare you already possess everything you will ever need!http://www.blo
“You are the weirdest teacher I have ever—”
Then she saw the pencil on her desk and screamed.
“You’re a miracle worker! How did you do that?”
I just gave you what I knew you needed
before you had to ask for it.
Education is the miracle, I’m just the worker.
But I’m a teacher.
And that’s what we do.
Here is another link of his performance:Taylor Mali
What Teachers Make (Taylor Mali) - Reflection 12

* Taylor Mali is one of my favorite poet and teacher. His poems are categorized as slam poetry. He had ever been a teacher for nine years but now he is a poet.His poem is really inspirational for me. Here is one of his poem titled "What Teachers Make". In this poem, he tried to show that society still addresses bad perception to teacher whereas teacher is actually a very fundamental and valuable profession.
He says the problem with teachers is, "What's a kid going to learn
from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?"
He reminds the other dinner guests that it's true what they say about
Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.
I decide to bite my tongue instead of his
and resist the temptation to remind the other dinner guests
that it's also true what they say about lawyers.
Because we're eating, after all, and this is polite company.
"I mean, you¹re a teacher, Taylor," he says.
"Be honest. What do you make?"
And I wish he hadn't done that
(asked me to be honest)
because, you see, I have a policy
about honesty and ass-kicking:
if you ask for it, I have to let you have it.
You want to know what I make?
I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could.
I can make a C+ feel like a Congressional medal of honor
and an A- feel like a slap in the face.
How dare you waste my time with anything less than your very best.
I make kids sit through 40 minutes of study hall
in absolute silence. No, you may not work in groups.
No, you may not ask a question.
Why won't I let you get a drink of water?
Because you're not thirsty, you're bored, that's why.
I make parents tremble in fear when I call home:
I hope I haven't called at a bad time,
I just wanted to talk to you about something Billy said today.
Billy said, "Leave the kid alone. I still cry sometimes, don't you?"
And it was the noblest act of courage I have ever seen.
I make parents see their children for who they are
and what they can be.
You want to know what I make?
I make kids wonder,
I make them question.
I make them criticize.
I make them apologize and mean it.
I make them write, write, write.
And then I make them read.
I make them spell definitely beautiful, definitely beautiful, definitely
over and over and over again until they will never misspell
either one of those words again.
I make them show all their work in math.
And hide it on their final drafts in English.
I make them understand that if you got this (brains)
then you follow this (heart) and if someone ever tries to judge you
by what you make, you give them this (the middle finger).
Let me break it down for you, so you know what I say is true:
I make a goddamn difference! What about you?
Here is a link of a video of a poem recital performed by Taylor Mali.It is so inspiring.
Taylor Mali
Structure + Real Students = *?@#$%^&* (Reflection 11)

Several weeks ago, I finally taught lower semester students. I felt really nervous. I even can’t sleep well on the night before I teach. But I didn’t want to be honest to my self. I kept saying this to my self, ”Come on! It’s not a big deal.” Of course it didn’t help because it WAS a big deal. My head kept asking these questions: What if the students do not understand what I’m saying? These students are the real students. They are different from my friends who pretended to be students. They wouldn’t tolerate me if I made mistakes or if I couldn’t make them understand. And I couldn’t make up my teaching because this is the only chance I have. I haven’t known this class, what style should I use when I teach? And honestly, I felt a bit sorry to choose Structure for my final test in Micro Teaching. How dare I do that!
Preparing teaching with those questions in my head was not easy. When I prepared the material, sometimes I stopped, not to have a rest, but to get over my fear from me.
My turn to teach finally came. The students’ expression motivated me, but I sweat a lot when I taught them. I felt so glad when the students said that they didn’t have any questions after I explained several sub-chapters. They seemed understand but I would prove my speculation from the exercises and quiz they would do.
When we did the exercise, actually, sometimes I was doubt whether some answers they stated were correct or not. Sometimes they mentioned unexpected answer and because I didn’t prepare my self for that unexpected answer, I usually would ask them, ”what do you think about that?”, to give my self time to think of why the student’s answer was/was not correct. Before I found the explanation, usually other students would mention the expected answers and I would just say ,”yes, this answer is more appropriate” without really explaining why this answer is more appropriate than the answer he/she mentioned. But they usually would nod their head, acted like they understood and showed me that they thought I understood better than them (and because of that they didn’t debate me). I felt glad and also bad about this. Glad because I didn’t have to add my nervouseness by dealing with their argument, but bad because I didn’t really do my best to explain the answers to them.
After the class was over, most of the students stated that they understood. They had good result on their quiz. I felt so glad about it. My mother is a teacher and she ever said: the most special reward for her as a teacher is when the students understand what she taught. I started to know what she means, I guess. And I felt a bit sorry that I ever felt a bit sorry to choose Structure for my final test in Micro Teaching. Structure wasn’t that bad. (^.^)
Rabu, 08 Juni 2011
Dilemma (Reflection 10)
Teaching deals with this one: dilemma. Many things do, but how do they relate? In order to improve students’ ability, we must select the best method which could build the most effective way of teaching. However, based on my experience in teaching micro class and junior class, picking the best method was not easy. I was always faced with dilemma. For example, when I chose an A method instead of B method for such lesson, in the end of the lesson I would regret my choice because the class condition was more appropriate to be handled with the B method. I realized that this kind of thing happened because so far I was always faced with new class, or in other words, the class I hadn’t known before. My not knowing to this class brought me to the speculation about the most effective method which should be implemented in certain class.
One of my experiences below could probably bring a better picture about this dilemma I meant. When I prepared my final test in micro teaching class, I was confused with this problem: in 30 minutes, should I give the students the materials which are based on all of the indicators which – actually – should be given in 60 minutes? What if my students could not finish all the material? Should I write all the materials in my lesson plan, or should I reduce them? I chose to give the students all the materials because in my opinion, my material would not be too difficult for them. I was a bit surprised then, to see that my class reacted differently. Most of my friends pretended to be beginner learners. They misspelled many words and most of my time was finally used to correct their misspelling words. Because of this, I could not finish all the materials. This situation showed that my prediction was not correct. But at least, that lesson taught me something: improvisation is really important in class. Yes, that day my friends gave me something to learn: improvisation. If I kept continuing finish all the material, I don’t think the students would understand the material because the lesson would be delivered fast. However, I’m not that successful in doing improvisation. I didn’t recognize that actually my students could not catch my delivery well because I spoke English to them. Just like what Mr. Prass said, I should have considered using Bahasa if most of the students did not understand English well.
One of my experiences below could probably bring a better picture about this dilemma I meant. When I prepared my final test in micro teaching class, I was confused with this problem: in 30 minutes, should I give the students the materials which are based on all of the indicators which – actually – should be given in 60 minutes? What if my students could not finish all the material? Should I write all the materials in my lesson plan, or should I reduce them? I chose to give the students all the materials because in my opinion, my material would not be too difficult for them. I was a bit surprised then, to see that my class reacted differently. Most of my friends pretended to be beginner learners. They misspelled many words and most of my time was finally used to correct their misspelling words. Because of this, I could not finish all the materials. This situation showed that my prediction was not correct. But at least, that lesson taught me something: improvisation is really important in class. Yes, that day my friends gave me something to learn: improvisation. If I kept continuing finish all the material, I don’t think the students would understand the material because the lesson would be delivered fast. However, I’m not that successful in doing improvisation. I didn’t recognize that actually my students could not catch my delivery well because I spoke English to them. Just like what Mr. Prass said, I should have considered using Bahasa if most of the students did not understand English well.
Senin, 02 Mei 2011
Various Tastes of Teaching (Reflection 8 & 9)
Wow. It’s been so long since I posted my last reflection. This reflection would discuss about the performance of six of my friends last week. They are Delis, Tia, Siwi, Rei, Yosi, and Rian. Delis, Tia, and Siwi performed on Tuesday, while Rei, Yosi, and Rian performed and Thursday. All of them have created rich tastes of teaching.
From Delis performance, I learned (how to listen to) expressions of giving sympathy. In my opinion, Delis material was good. All of the dialogues in the recording were related to expression of giving sympathy. In his performance, Delis also pointed at inactive students. The students who were inactive finally joined the class activity. However, in my opinion, Delis’ instruction before the listening activity was not really clear. The time given to answer the questions was also not long enough. For Senior High School students, especially if they did not really have excellent ability in listening, the questions were going to be difficult to be done. Delis was also not really careful in checking students’ answers. Often when the students miss one or two words in answering the questions, Delis did not correct them. Despite Delis teaching performance, students coming late disturbed the teaching activity. I think all of us need to come on time so that our friends’ performance won’t be disturbed.
From Tia’s performance, I learned (how to express) expressions of giving sympathy. Power point used was a good idea, especially because Tia also communicated to the students by using the power point. Compared to her previous performances, her last performance was so much better. She had imporoved a lot. However, there were something needed to be improved still, in my opinion. Even though Tia was communicative when she used power point, the same thing didn’t happened when she explained the material. Tia tended to explain the definition by reading the text herself. I think it was going to be better if she asked the students the definition first then explained the definition herself. Beside that communication issue, another thing needed to be improved were the situations given to the students as the trigger of the students’ making dialogue. The situations are not really relevant to Senior High School context.
From Siwi’s performance, I learned (how to listen to) narrative story titled Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In my opinion, her performance was really attractive. The story, which was funny with the interesting pictures in it, was relevant to Senior High School students, even though it was so much better to be implemented in Elementary Students. Her performance was also motivating the students (at least I felt motivated). She was also fluent. The instructions given were also clear and helpful for the process of listening. However, Siwi also had some ambiguous questions in her handout which made me confused to answer.
From Rei’s performance, I learned (how to write) narrative text. In my opinion, Rei didn’t move around when she taught. She tended to stand in the middle of the front class. Just like me, I think Rei’s management of time was not really good. Like I did, she spent most of her time for game. The game was good, though. It really helped the students understand the material (generic structure of narrative text-I my self felt that the game really helped me to understand) and finally helped the students to write a narrative text with good generic structure.
From Yosi’s performance, I learned (how to listen to) expressions of giving direction. In my opinion, Yosi’s material was good. It was comprehensive and challenging. In the same time, the questions of the material was also too many and too complicated, especially for 30 minutes class of Senior High School. It was getting more difficult because Yosi’s instruction was not really clear. The difficult material and unclear instruction was not balanced with enough time to digest the written instruction by the students themselves. I my self found it really difficult to answer the questions given in the handout.
From Rian’s performance, I learned (how to express) expressions of giving instruction. Rian’s performance was really amusing. In my opinion, RIan himself didn’t really plan to joke in his performance, but some of his actions made all of us laugh. His material is also good and comprehensive, but the way he delivered them didn’t make me understand that good material. Beside the way to deliver, I think Rian also need to prepare more appropriate examples in his teaching activity, because some of the examples he made himself turned to be really funny that all of us laugh because of that. Rian’s instruction was not really clear too. I sometimes didn’t know what I should do in the learning activity.
From Delis performance, I learned (how to listen to) expressions of giving sympathy. In my opinion, Delis material was good. All of the dialogues in the recording were related to expression of giving sympathy. In his performance, Delis also pointed at inactive students. The students who were inactive finally joined the class activity. However, in my opinion, Delis’ instruction before the listening activity was not really clear. The time given to answer the questions was also not long enough. For Senior High School students, especially if they did not really have excellent ability in listening, the questions were going to be difficult to be done. Delis was also not really careful in checking students’ answers. Often when the students miss one or two words in answering the questions, Delis did not correct them. Despite Delis teaching performance, students coming late disturbed the teaching activity. I think all of us need to come on time so that our friends’ performance won’t be disturbed.
From Tia’s performance, I learned (how to express) expressions of giving sympathy. Power point used was a good idea, especially because Tia also communicated to the students by using the power point. Compared to her previous performances, her last performance was so much better. She had imporoved a lot. However, there were something needed to be improved still, in my opinion. Even though Tia was communicative when she used power point, the same thing didn’t happened when she explained the material. Tia tended to explain the definition by reading the text herself. I think it was going to be better if she asked the students the definition first then explained the definition herself. Beside that communication issue, another thing needed to be improved were the situations given to the students as the trigger of the students’ making dialogue. The situations are not really relevant to Senior High School context.
From Siwi’s performance, I learned (how to listen to) narrative story titled Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In my opinion, her performance was really attractive. The story, which was funny with the interesting pictures in it, was relevant to Senior High School students, even though it was so much better to be implemented in Elementary Students. Her performance was also motivating the students (at least I felt motivated). She was also fluent. The instructions given were also clear and helpful for the process of listening. However, Siwi also had some ambiguous questions in her handout which made me confused to answer.
From Rei’s performance, I learned (how to write) narrative text. In my opinion, Rei didn’t move around when she taught. She tended to stand in the middle of the front class. Just like me, I think Rei’s management of time was not really good. Like I did, she spent most of her time for game. The game was good, though. It really helped the students understand the material (generic structure of narrative text-I my self felt that the game really helped me to understand) and finally helped the students to write a narrative text with good generic structure.
From Yosi’s performance, I learned (how to listen to) expressions of giving direction. In my opinion, Yosi’s material was good. It was comprehensive and challenging. In the same time, the questions of the material was also too many and too complicated, especially for 30 minutes class of Senior High School. It was getting more difficult because Yosi’s instruction was not really clear. The difficult material and unclear instruction was not balanced with enough time to digest the written instruction by the students themselves. I my self found it really difficult to answer the questions given in the handout.
From Rian’s performance, I learned (how to express) expressions of giving instruction. Rian’s performance was really amusing. In my opinion, RIan himself didn’t really plan to joke in his performance, but some of his actions made all of us laugh. His material is also good and comprehensive, but the way he delivered them didn’t make me understand that good material. Beside the way to deliver, I think Rian also need to prepare more appropriate examples in his teaching activity, because some of the examples he made himself turned to be really funny that all of us laugh because of that. Rian’s instruction was not really clear too. I sometimes didn’t know what I should do in the learning activity.
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